After the Beautiful thunderous rain this morning, I went for my walk. On the way to the main street, I saw a guy in his van and waved. He looked annoyed and didn't respond. Immediately, my conditioning thought "dang, what's wrong with him?" and continued with my stroll. Once I traveled upon the main street and walked onward, I looked down a saw a dead black bird (awww). Continuing with my walk, I saw movement to my right and saw a cute little brown bunny hopping into the woods (awww). Arriving at my destination I turn around toward home. On my way home, I saw a little birdie walking in front of me, then wonderfully took off flying (that's so cool!). I'm home now and walking up the stairs. There an acorn is there almost as if waiting for my return...considering it a Gift, I picked it up a brought it inside with me I Am truly an Energy Gal. For me, there is ONE Energy/ONE Love within that ENERGY (Everything Naturally Engage Resonates and Gravitate toward the inside of YOU). With my phone, as I'm walking back home, I google the symbolism of the Energy I saw: The dead Black bird: Death is a transition (the end of something) and transformation (a change). The Brown bunny rabbit: Need to be grounded. A rebirth, productiveness, and of course luck. The little birdie walking in front of me: Birds symbolize Good health, wealth, love & truthfulness. The Acorn: Fertility (Prosperity) & Life. Now getting back to the Guy. Immediately after my conditioning made its presence known, I flipped the script and said..."it ain't about's about me!" Yup, You guessed it, I've been experiencing annoyance (how I've been looking at things). The flow of how everything goes. I've been praying for help with how I'm looking at certain things that cause me to be annoyed. The Message: By acknowledging my annoyance (the Guy) and praying for help, I'm getting it (the dead bird). The bunny is a reminder to stay in the moment (grounded) and be grateful for what I bring to me. The little birdie lets me know I am surrounded by Love & Good health...and to stay within my True. The Gift: The Acorn: Summing up the message within my walk ~ We have Prosperity in all areas of our lives Alhamdulillah*Ase'*Amen! TYFYHS!!! #TAPN2U #SpokenWord #Message #Gift #InForm #InSpire #InCourage #InPower #InVigorate #Peace #InLoveLifeLifeInsideOut #acp #skk

1DrAnita Caprice