Astigmatism: a defect in the eye or in a lens caused by a deviation from spherical curvature, which results in distorted images, as light rays are prevented from meeting at a common focus.
I recently went to the Ophthalmologist to get an eye exam. I don't remember when or if I've ever had a complete eye exam. The gentle Doctor examined my eyes, and at the conclusion, she indicated that I had Astigmatism in my left eye. I said, "oh, is that something that comes with age?" She informed me that "no, it doesn't, it's the shape of the eye". She was unable to see if my astigmatism was more or less, as she didn't have a reference point.
Today as I ponder my astigmatism - that it is in my left eye. It dawned on me that our left side is how we think about ourselves, and our right side is how we view the world.
My right eye is 20/20.
My Karmic debt (shortcoming - a borrowed opinion that came from someone or somewhere) has been "Not knowing/being enough". I've been working on that humanness since I embraced that about myself. Recently, as I boldly and humbly step into the greater in me - the Power Presence & Love of the Divine within me, I'm learning how to balance and caress the human of me (not enough) with the Divine in me (more than enough).
It'll be interesting to see shape of my eye come next checkup 😉