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A Metaphysical Theta State Reprograming.  Using brainwave states to implant new subconscious beliefs.  Once daily in a light meditative (either when going to sleep or first waiting up) state listen to the Rhythmic Reverb Listening Meditation with headphones.  


We all have a Karmic debt. A Karmic debt (limited self-belief) is an illusion we carry in our Soul. It limits us…keeps us from recovering who we are, and reaching our full potential...that is until we put it in its place.   You see, our limited self-belief keeps us humble.  We will meet with LIFE experiences to bring to the fore this illusion, so that we may master it and not it master us.


We came here to learn, that the Karmic debt is not us...only a small notion that can be embraced without limitation. The Karmic debt is the belief within aspects of " Not Enough (confidence)" "Not Deserving (guilt)" "Not worthy (unforgiving)".  The debt is something we owe to command the limited self-belief and understand its purpose.



We hope You Njoy...Rhythmic Reverb ~

Rhythmic Reverb ~ I AM

SKU: RR*1210

    Contact Dr. Anita to book a speaking engagement, a workshop, lunch and learn, or a personal consultation about Self-Awareness & deepening our Spiritual Journey.

      +1 313 605 8220

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