However small, each day I'm learning to trust and let go. I do my own taxes and I received a bill from the IRS recently that said I incorrectly prepared my 2021 taxes. The bill had a website where I could go and pay. You know, of course, I went into that "Dang downer mood", but immediately turned it around and thanked God that I had the $$$ to pay the bill.
Sunday, I go to the website and follow the prompts. When I completed the process, I pressed "pay". I received a message "unable to make a payment". At one time, I would have kept trying and force the process (just like I did when I leased a Celica years ago, and eventually it was repossessed) First try, I said "okay, this is blocked for a reason". Yesterday, I called IRS and spoke with a nice lady. She advised me that I can get on a payment plan that allows me to pay whenever, just as long as the bill is paid by June 2023. Need I say more #TrustTheProcess #AReason #BiggerPlan