Welllllllll Hi, July!!! I see Ya got some Goodies for us. The Month of July brings the vibration of buckling down, building, and keeping those commitments we've made to ourselves {Remember, this is a year of tapping into that Secret Love and bringing it on out to share with others } We may have to grit our teeth just a tad as we stretch the stamina of our discipline. You know how that is...ain't feelin' it, yet should be doin' it.
This is a Foundation, Stabilization month ~ extra Vibes for bringing that "stuff" together. Whatever that means for You. Happy Building
#TAPN2U #SpokenWord #July #WorkandDiscipline #Foundation #Building #InSpire #InForm #InCourage #InPower #InVigorate #Peace #InLoveLiveLifeInsideOut #acp #skk