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The "T" & YOU are perfect companions to Increase the Peace

#JoinTheMovement ~ Become an Ambassador ~ Increase the Peace


The "T" ~ Beyond a fashion statement... a Metaphysical Self-Programming tool designed to shift our mindset from chaos to calm.


SPREAD THE WORD...It ain't the thing, it's how you look at it

SPREAD THE WORD...Manifestation is in the Belief


This is the beginning of self-peace, community peace, world peace…

The Thought Healing Process

#jointhemovement #spreadtheword #TAPN2U “T” & YOU ~ Your Own Universe (an introduction).


Imagine ~

The Majority Rules

We’ve all heard of the phrase “The Majority Rules”.  Well, imagine a community where the majority of citizens wear the T, spreading the word. 

By joining the movement, each person embraces the phrase of our T’s.  Doing this, we are increasing inner peace and deepening our Spiritual Journey.  When faced with a challenge, we stop and say “it ain’t the thing…it’s how I look at it”.  Once we acknowledge, then we begin to take note which way our thoughts & vibrations go, and then we take the next move and ask for help to seeing truth.  We will likely ask a higher power greater than us (within us) for the answer.  At the same time, the synergy enhances self-awareness, deepening our Spiritual journey and increasing the peace within.  The energy of peace within you will flow into the energy of the community, resulting in self peace, community peace, world peace.



You wear the shirt.

Someone reads the shirt (they may or may not respond); however, it resonates with them.

In our quest to spread the word and wear the T with Zest

We then trust the Universe to do the rest to increase the Peace.


The Majority Rules

If the majority of people in a community #jointhemovement and #spreadtheword, could it be the majority collectively are increasing the peace within the heart of our community?  And just think…You are the Pioneer in getting this thing started…how cool is that 😊


Benefits to #jointhemovement & #spreadtheword with YOU & the “T”:

  • The more the movement expands, the greater the impact
  • Raises personal vibration bringing more Goodness to Life
  • A new way of thinking
  • Enhances Self Awareness
  • Deepens our Spiritual Journey
  • Increases individual inner peace
  • Positive community experience
  • Not just a shirt…it is a consciousness builder
  • Increase Thought Awareness by becoming more aware of our thoughts thus controlling them v being controlled by them (our thoughts)

     Contributes to community peace

  • Making an impact with World peace



Yesterday, today, and tomorrow...Perspective is everything.

Our #jointhemovement #spreadtheword campaign celebrates the idea that it’s not just circumstances we face, it’s how we choose to view the circumstance(s) that shape our reality. The phrase “It ain’t the thing, it’s how you look at it” reminds us that our awareness of thought is powerful, wherein we can turn obstacles into opportunities and setbacks into lessons (Blessings), simply by watching the thought and vibration we think about. When how we’re looking at a situation causes us pain, we can pause and say, “it ain’t the thing…it’s how I’m looking at it” and then ask the power higher that is greater than ourselves help to us see it correctly.  The answer comes from a deep stillness of peace within.


This initiative supports and encourages us to practice a grateful outlook and embrace the power of our energy (the capacity to do the work and the ability to change things). By transitioning how we look at our experiences, we open doors to new possibilities, and new ideas to solving problems, and inspire those around us to do the same. #TAPN2U #jointhemovement #spreadtheword is more than just a fashion statement; it’s a declaration, a devotion to increase the peace inside and out. Join us in spreading the word that a change in our mental pattern can change everything, thus starting the Thought Healing process.   William Kinnear “The 30-Day Mental Diet” wrote, The Universe is a Gifter and gives us back in kind to what we give to the Universe.  In other words, the vibration of our thoughts are given back to us, whether the vibration is low or high.  The gift we also have is the power to choose what we give to the Universe.



When we ask why…we are the student and the teacher within us answers.


How often do we take a look at what we believe in and ask why?  A simple example, I may say playing the piano is hard.  This is my belief; however, I haven’t taken the time to ask why I believe that playing the piano is difficult.  Yes, playing the piano is hard because that is my belief…my truth, yet is it the Truth? Because I believe playing the piano is hard, I manifested that belief when I go to play the piano.


Manifestation is deeply bonded with our beliefs, and those beliefs can either propel us forward or hold us back. The essence of manifestation is that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality. When we hold empowering beliefs, we are grateful and attract positive opportunities and experiences that align with our goals and intentions. Just the opposite, limiting beliefs can create barriers and perpetuate cycles of frustration, stagnation, sensations of fear, and failure.


It’s so important to recognize that both supportive and destructive negative beliefs have the power to manifest in our lives. By examining and challenging our beliefs, we can identify those that hinder us and replace them with beliefs that support our aspirations and help us grow. Embracing this understanding allows us to take control of our thought awareness and consciously, and intentionally shape our reality. Whether a belief helps or hinders, we select, choose, and cultivate the beliefs that will increase the peace, love, and happiness in our lives or not. We experience the consequences of the choice we make (ACIM). 


Our "T" ~ more than a fashion's a consciousness!


Become an Ambassador to Increase the Peace...Blessings Peace & Love*anita


#Jointhemovement #spreadtheword "T" Shirts

SKU: T913
  • Wash in cold water.
    Remove from dryer as soon as it's dry (refrain from over drying)

Contact Dr. Anita to book a speaking engagement, a workshop, lunch and learn, or a personal consultation about Self-Awareness & deepening our Spiritual Journey.

  +1 313 605 8220

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©2025 by TAPN2U Movement

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